It took us 1984 days to leave and return to the shores of Palestine by land and sea. We left on a mission - to evolve by acquiring first-hand knowledge and experience from people intending to create a new tribal culture. We visited over 30 egalitarian green intentional communities and from each place we gave and received many gifts. As we traveled we made the most ecological, ethical, and affordable choices we could think of. This is the travelogue of our evolution - this is our EvoluLog! Note: We stopped archiving at some point and still hope that our trip insipres.

| The good life in Amirim (2006.6.15 - present day 2017) Galilee, Palestine |
Report is not yet written.
| Copenhagen to Haifa by land and sea in 25 days! (2006.5.21 - 2006.6.15) Denmark, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Cyprus, Palestine |
Report is not yet written.
| Crossing the Ocean to Copenhagen (2006.5.5 - 2006.5.21) Ft Lauderdale, New York, La Havre, Harwich, Copenhagen |
Report is not yet written.
| OfeK & Momo bonding voyage (2006.4.19 - 2006.5.5) San Cristobal, Eastern Mexico, Southeast USA, Ft Lauderdale |
Report is not yet written.
| Fruit and Spanish (2006.2.7 - 2006.4.20) Southeast Mexico, Xela and San Pedro, Guatemala |
Report is not yet written.
| Traveling apart from Oregon to Xilitla, Mexico (2005.12.14 - 2006.2.7) Oregon, California, Illinois, Florida, Mexico |
Report is not yet written.
| Lost Valley Community and Educational Center (2005.1.2 - 2005.12.14) Northwest America |
Report is not yet written.
| Tribal Eugene (2003.11.12 - 2006.1.16) Northwest America |
Report is not yet written.
| Semi-homebase: Portland (2003.5.3 - 2003.11.12) Northwest America |
Report is not yet written.
Four months in cold Minneapolis gave us plenty of time to get to know the city and have opportunities to be creative through activism, music, raw foods, and family fun.
We visited new friends in Charlottesville, passed through Knoxville and Louisville, and finished off with a wonderful seven week visit with family in Appleton, WI.
| Twin Oaks (2002.10.16 - 2002.11.1) Near Mineral, Virgnia |
One of the oldest and largest secular intentional communities in North America. A living proof that income-sharing and egalitarianism can inclusively meet the needs of many diverse people.
| Acorn (2002.10.9 - 2002.10.16) near Mineral, Virgnia |
Back to the country..., we enjoyed fresh air and meeting a free-spirited family, while stuffing bags with seeds, making hammocks, and learning that chaos and a high turnover is not detrimental for a functional egalitarian community.
Exploring DC and its progressive suburbs while taking a break from community visits with the grandparents.
| Ganas (2002.9.24 - 2002.10.4) Staten Island, New York City |
Our first community visit in the US gives us a positive view of urban communal living and new insights about feedback learning.
| Europe - America (2002.9.7 - 2002.9.18) Northampton-Old Hall-Harwich-Boston-Amherst-Northampton |
A brief stop in Old Hall community on the way to the port, where we take an uneconomadic ship across the atlantic to Boston, and then discover the Amherst/Northampton area.
A medley of different places we visited in Wales and England. Three communities, one organic vegan bakery, a huge green gathering, and some fun in Trafalgar Square.
Like a self-contained mini-village, the people in Brithdir Mawr share their diverse skills with each other while enjoying off-grid, simple and comfortable life in a beautiful rural setting.
| Tinker's Bubble (2002.5.24 - 2002.5.31) Little Norton, nr. Yeovil, Somerset, England |
A great example of a simple living community. In contrast to their upperclass neighbors with their huge houses and manicured gardens, the community uses just the resources they need. Through the pouring rain we enjoyed life alongside them.
A group of activists manage and live in the woods while dedicated to the low-impact sustainable lifestyle. We saw fantastic tree benders, browsed a comprehensive library, and enjoyed good conversations, all while fueled by simple vegan raw meals.
On a hill overlooking the beautiful Cornwall coast, we met a group of people who live together and work the land. Our visit included lots of weeding, the making of keveral.org, and a trip to the monkey sanctuary and Plants for a Future.
Besides what most people would say about the colorful markets, the old Medinas, the friendly people, and the annoying people, we have compiled a list of our own economadic highlights.
A short vacation in a semi-communal hostal and an unplanned visit to a raw-friendly eco-family of true artists living in a hippied town.
We went with our wallets to Sunseed expecting to experience a very serious research project, a living example of people functioning sustainably under desert conditions.
| EcoForest (2001.12.12 - 2002.1.7) Near Coin, Malaga, Spain |
One of the first communities we planned to visit, as it comes up when searching for 'vegan community'. It is not just vegan, it is RAW! and if the stream of positive energies continues, it will make it grow into the first community us EcoNomads actually see a feasibility of residency...
| Migrating South (2001.11.17 - 2001.12.12) Kassel - Strasbourg - La Lune Nette - Montelimar - Montpellier - Barcelona - Malaga |
A short series of photos mainly for relatives and friends...
A grand ending to our extensive tour of German new tribal culture. The largest non-religious commune in the country, and it really works - everything is taken care of, from hosting guests to filling up the central oven with wood to cooking vegan options.
Dread-locked inhabitants living a low-impact life in beautifully renovated circus-wagons. As this wasn't really a community, with no common activities or organization, we were left to ourselves and enjoyed a relaxing week.
| Lutter Gruppe (2001.10.21 - 2001.10.28) Lutter, near Seesen, Germany |
In a big castle from old times, seven hard-working people keep this relatively mature commune alive. With the principles of no-boss, no-govt.-money, and total income sharing, they run several in-house businesses and try to be autonomous as possible.
Coming from a classical music background, this exceptional group of nice people which are quite radical in their walk/talk, live more decently than one would expect. Two weeks of anti-war demos, bicycles, apples, and some good times.
A new beginning for a mature commune which tries to develop a way of life that maintains closeness between people, that is ecological in all aspects, and that embraces a common spirituality with respect to all religions.
Living in a commune, sharing living space with other people, sharing all capital, eating and working together and having each others' support makes it possible to first, economically survive in the city yet work only part-time, and second, be able to constantly be on the front-line in the struggle for justice yet remain sane.
Our guests took a break from primitive civilization and came to see Momo for several days. They joined us on our path from a city-commune to an ecovillage.
A mature and stable community which specializes in ecologically-sound renovation. We used the most astetic composting toilets, pressed lots of apples, fluffed hemp-wool and slept right next to their own cinema theater.
A radical sub-commune in its advanced development stages. It is free of electricity, non-vegan food, smoking, machines, private capital and monogamy. After an extended planning time, these very serious people are building the first legal strawbale house in Germany without depending on fossil-fuel.
A small ecological and agricultural initiative and commune which keeps endangered species of domesticated animals in circulation and employs drug addicts from the near rehabilitation center. A nice bunch of people, a productive garden, and lots of vegan banana ice-cream made our visit very sweet.
"We are members of a new society. It is a different kind of society, one in which no one is despised or unimportant, no one lonely or unwanted. The strong are not exalted and the weak are not exploited. There are no rich or poor. Love lives here."
We took a break from visiting communities and let Erika's parents (came from Tokyo) spoil us with two weeks in an over-comfortable (yet very affordable) guesthouse in a small and typical German village in the Schwabish Albs.
A wise and peaceful man, living in his own world - A marvelous garden, a soil full of joy, proud and productive, happy to be there, happy to be free...
Inspired and conceived by Rainbow gatherings, this place manages to always maintain a simple and warm atmosphere. People building Tepees, working in the Fukuoka inspired garden, painting, playing ping-pong, and singing songs always end up returning to La Lune Nette, as it becomes their family.
Village of ruins resettled by anarchy! Colorful, yet dusty and rough looking people with strong beliefs in anarchy and chaos as a way of life. They describe themselves as a social, economic, and ecological experiment which is based on a collective and alternative ideal and the concept of autonomy.
'Friends of Gentleness and Harmony'. A vegan retirement commune set in countryside of breathtaking beauty and with a huge old stone house decorated with bright colors, doves, long-haired people holding hands, and words of virtue such as compassion, order, humor, and honesty.
| Third Report (2001.3.6 - 2001.4.2) Cinque-Terre (Italian Riviera) - Bercelona (Spain) |
| Second Report (incl. Avalon Commune) (2001.2.1 - 2001.3.6) All in Tuscany (Italy): WWOOFing in Fonte-Nova (Near Grosseto) and Il-Gabbruccino (Near Cecina), Avalon (Valley of the Elves), Siena, Firenze |
| First Report (incl. Urupia Commune) (2001.1.8 - 2001.2.1) Amirim, Haifa (Palestine) - Limassol (Cyprus) - Athens (Greece) - Brindisi, Urupia, Palermo, Erice, Napoli, Pompeii, Rome (Italy) |