Wickede, near Dortmund, Germany/2001.10.03-2001.10.07 |
Most people we met in Germany knew of Beringhof, but they probably knew it as it used to be. Only three of the original founders still live here (plus two children), and there are two very recent newcomers. The commune is trying to rebuild itself, and needs new members to be able to sustain the huge estate. Many activities are on pause, until stability is restored with more people and perhaps new sources of income. Temporarily the income-sharing was decreased to 50 percent, but basically the same goals will be maintained: to develop a new and alternative way of living that is free of materialism and maintains closeness between people, that is ecological in all aspects, and that embraces some kind of a common spirituality with respect to all religions.
Because not much was going on and other travel logistics we decided to stay here only for a few days. Especially nice and inspiring was our hosts' frequent healthy and hearty laughter, and also the time they dedicated everyday to playing games. The diet was organic vegetarian but with few vegan options (not a complaint but an interesting point since sometimes we actually had more options with omnivores).
The work was relaxed and we were told just to do what we wanted. We participated with familiar tasks and gathered apples from the ground, cooked, washed, renovated, chopped, etc.
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Two different angles of the estate, taken from the public bicycle trail that went right by it.
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A nice meal outside with everyone.
Work and play... A game of Titijaca on the lawn.
