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(such as disposable, hamburger, pesticides, etc.)
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1. Erik@feK/moČ from <anywhere> (2001/07/22)
Our guest~book is a place for you to express your deepest feelings and confidential information such as your mother's maiden name and/or your bank-card's 4-digit PIN number.

Most people don't write in guest~books, but beware! Mark Twain suggests:
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."

Thank you for your time and creativity!
[Suggested Webpage]

2. Stefan from Big Island, Hawaii (2001/07/28)
You have a truly fantastic web site... how on earth you do all this while constantly on the move and presumably without electricity sometimes, I really can't imagine! Have to go - time to have my disposable pesticide burger.
[Suggested Webpage]

3. Amnon Levav from Maalot, Israel (2001/07/28)
Dear Erik@feK/moČ,

The site is wonderfull. We watched it today, truely exited. Gives us alot of inspiration. Please keep writing.

We hope you will tell people in about your journey.

Amnon & Orit Levav
[Suggested Webpage]

4. Yoav from Atzmon (2001/08/26)
hi Erik@feK/moČ
Thanks for providing more opportunities to think about human intuitions, behavior and reflexes. Not that it made me shift and turn, but I admire your sense of justice and truth (as always). Your website is amazingly delightful!

5. Colin Ready-Evoy from Toronto (2001/08/27)
Hi Guys,
just wanted to write a quick hello and how are you. The new page is quite lovely - lots of green! Green IS my favourite colour. I hope to meet you three out there again someday but until then best of luck with your lives. I admire the way you live and try to love Earth as much as I can too.
[Suggested Webpage]

6. Karen Attrill from London (2001/08/28)
Your Mark Twain quote got me!!!
Fantastic website guys, an amazing way to record your travels for yourselves and others to enjoy. Feeling quite jealous that i'm back in an office saving up for adventures and not having them on a farm right now (so much so i even miss Falcon Blanco!!). Thank you for your inspirations, its always good to be reminded that i definitely don't want to spend the rest (or any significant part) of my life in an office (even a trying-to-change-the-world campaigning one) when there are so many other options.

Heres a couple of quotes i like (and the only two i can remember by heart!)

"The greatest mistake ever made was by those who did nothing because they thought they could only do a litte" (Edward Burke)

"Never doubt that a small group of people can change the world, in fact it is the only thing that ever has" (Margaret Mead)

and heres a veggie one from a very long time ago:

The Sending of the Animals - Henry Salt(1851-1939)

The animals, you say were "sent"
For man's free use and nutriment
Pray then, inform me, and be candid,
Why came they aeons before man did,
To spend long centuries on earth,
Awaiting their devourer's birth?
Those ill-timed chattels, sent from Heaven
Were, sure, the maddest gift ever given -
"Sent" for Man's usage (can Man believe it?)
When there was no man to receive it!)
[Suggested Webpage]

7. Peggy & Bob from <somewhere> (2001/09/01)
....wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!
I love your journey and your site - keep us updated please.

8. Martin from London (2001/09/13)
Just wanted to make my mark and tell everyone how much fun it was to live with Momo, Erika and Ofek at falcon blanco for a short time.
Ofek's ideas have sunken into me more than i thought they would, now that i'm home in London i see how much better things could be with a little effort.

9. Roman Naef from Zuerich (2001/10/06)
Zieht Faeden durchs Land - cool - interessante Spuren, faszienierende Knoten - human networking. Keep traveling... and visite Anhalonium:
[Suggested Webpage]

10. John Newcomb from Wisconsin (2001/10/07)
Dear Ofek and Erica,
I am impressed and moved once again from your writings....thank you! I believe you are correct in saying that in your travels, you are experiencing the future of civilization. What a great way to get an education!

Thanks again,
-John Newcomb
PS- I am going to see your friend Alyson Ostenaa in Minneapolis soon to visit and give a talk. Thanks Ofek, for telling me about that.



Feedback, thoughts and questions are always welcome at

No copyright! (but be nice please...) composed by OfeK.