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511. Bruce Calligan from Atlanta (2005/10/18)
Very nice website, make me have many ideas

512. Emmer Lee from NJ (2005/10/18)
Interesting lifestyle

513. Kiala Naste from UK (2005/10/18)
In fact I wanted to say I liked the article on alternate menstrual product...I see that the author has suggested a few more things too! God site, keep it up
[Suggested Webpage]

514. Julio Cesar Pezo Gil from Lima, Perú (2005/10/20)
hi how are you I am writing this message because I am interested about your page also I Want to more information about your page because your page is very fantastic and beautiful.
it has a good image.
friend send me a video.
please here you are my address
my address is av. 12 de octubre 119 smp code 01
that is all bye bye see then.

Lima, 19 de octubre del 2005

515. Marred from Oakland, CA (2005/10/20)
I'm moving to Minneapolis and your site popped up as I was hunting down food co-ops. Goodluck on all your travels

516. <someone> from Bielefeld (NRW) (2005/10/21)
Hallo !!!
Wir haben derzeit, in Sozialwissenschaften (Poltik), dass Thema Basisdemoktratische Demokratie!
Unter anderen wurde uns ein Link zu dieser Seite gegeben,ich finde es einerseits recht erstaunlich,dass es sowetwas zuer heutigen zeit noch gibt...
Ich denke, das die Menschen viel weniger Probleme und sorgen haben.
Aber eins Frage ich mich, hat denn niemand so das richtige Sagen ? Werden alle wirklich gleich geschaätzt und anerkannt !!!
Ich wünsche ihnen weiterhin viel Glück !!!
MFg Rebecca K. (7)

517. vicente from spain (2005/10/27)
I hope to see your again this year, muchos besos para todos
[Suggested Webpage]

518. Grace from london (2005/10/30)

519. greengrl from earth (2005/10/31)

520. brieann from nj (2005/11/03)
I want to allow myself to connect with mother earth and my soul and leave commercial life behind.



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No copyright! (but be nice please...) composed by OfeK.