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51. akila from france (2002/06/13)
i am glad that you exist.i am akila living in london,a high tech illusionnist labyrinth .most of your reports and sources is in sort what i ,delicately try to preach to people on the path....i cook for the homeless in central london,where my regular ressource is.i think the population here has been targeted with bio nanotechnological .by the way ,being on the side of the majority is the top place to view the frame and the picture ,apart when you are surrounded by mirror,then you are blinded and illusioned.the site is attractif and i met the impossibilty to log in to maichto eric'site.
i'll see you soon people.
thank you

52. Camiel from homeless (2002/06/18)
it's great to read about where ya'll are these days. I wish you all the best wiht your adventures across Europe. I am heading back to El Salvador to work this summer with unions in the maquilas. un abrazo- CAMIEL

53. Mango from Spain today (2002/06/18)
Hello beautiful people.. your website is continuosly improving. I admire your lifestyle and hope to meet up with you one day.. peace and barefooted love and laughter,
[Suggested Webpage]

54. Brian White from Victoria Canada (2002/06/19)
Please look up pulser pump on google. It is a hydropowered pump (with no moving parts) that may be of use by very poor people. You may meet some on your journey.
best wishes Brian White

55. Eric from Belgium (2002/06/19)
my Son Almond gave me your adress.

56. meru tereichel from everywhere (2002/06/20)
Thank you so much. I've been looking for this info, hoping to find it one day. You made my day.

57. Gwen from Lynchburg, Virginia, USA (2002/06/20)
I get so excited when I open my mail and see that the Economads have posted an update to the Intentional Communities list! You make my day.
If you ever come to the US to visit Twin Oaks in Virginia (the oldest on-going commune in the US) I do hope you'll let me know. I would love to meet you all.

58. Dana Meek from Great Falls,Montana (2002/06/22)

59. Eva Christofano from Wilmington Delaware (2002/06/24)
What a wonderfull concept!
[Suggested Webpage]

60. Jona from Germany (2002/06/27)
friends of mine were at the Beringhof (near Dortmund) recently and they told me that there and in the Oekodorf 7 Linden in Poppau are several young babies without diapers! All of them were inspired by your visit! Next weekend Birgit and Josch and me, we are travelling to Poppau to visit a friend... maybe we meet the "EC-babies"!



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No copyright! (but be nice please...) composed by OfeK.