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721. gp singh from india (2007/05/31)
iam belong to good family but now m going through poverity,and i need help

722. carmen huckle from nottingham (2007/06/02)

723. Trudy from secret place (2007/06/06)
soo cool!

724. majid almajid from riyadh, arabia (2007/06/07)
majidalmajid: انا المهدي المنتظر المهدي الى التوراة الحقيقيه وينهدي على يدي 300 الف يهودي _ أمام مسجد الزبير بن العوام حي النهظه _ الرياض ; remeber rabbi kahane; arab 48 out from israel, i heat zoinist, iam the babylion matyos the king of the north' call me 00966561037678
[Suggested Webpage]

725. Allison from Oregon, USA (2007/06/10)
What a beautiful website! I must say though that were it not for raw milk my daughter would not have thrived on my vegettarian diet breastmilk. She was only able to grow thanks wholly to raw, unpasturized milk (yes, that's right, cow's milk) from humanely treated and well loved cows. Try to be open about REAL milk as opposed to that dead stuff sold at markets guarenteed to make humans deathly ill. I work for a raw dairy here and the cows are lovely and well loved. I also work for a pasture raised beef, pork and chicken farm and again, these animals are cared for better than most folks house pets.
[Suggested Webpage]

726. Bailey Piper from Nevada (2007/06/13)
Hey you guys,
You might not remember, but I'm from the family that was at Acorn when you were.
I just wanted to say "Hi" and see how things were going with you all. You should e-maile me with an update because I would really like to get back in touch with you.

727. Becky from West Virginia (2007/06/23)
Just stopping by from WWI Caring Angels to look at your site and say hello...hugs, Becky

728. briancjohnston from v.a (2007/06/26)

729. Tamara Stone from Vashon Island (2007/06/27)
Hi, I'm looking to connect with Mick. He came and helped out at the Island Earthfair, and I'm heading upo the Hoh and would love to see him again

730. Nahed Al Agha from Gaza (2007/06/29)
F*** israel, baby killers.



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